Monday, April 24, 2017

post modern project:

"we live in a world where there is more and more informations, and less and less meaning."


 At the top you can see a girl drowning hopelessly and beneath her is an over load of colors and images. The colors used are red/purple, yellow/orange, and blue/green. These colors are both present in the pictures and as part of the background. There are some pictures in black and white. There is also different patterns of lines going across the piece.


It reminds me of a huge camera flash coming up from the top left corner- crossing through while loosing some of its brightness, which related to how an information can slowly loose its own meaning as it is passed on.  The images of the NYC remind me of how overwhelmed I get when I'm there, because there is so much going on all at once, that it is almost hard to take everything in.
The cameras remind me of our generation and how we are constantly trying to take a shot of every moment while losing the ability to live in that moment.  Picture, pictures, and more pictures are just adding to the exacerbated society that lives through a lens.


I used the top girl to simulate how we are drowning in an overwhelming load of information. I used bright colors to reinforce the intensity of the information. The black and white images represent the after effect of what comes with soaking in all the information that the world is constantly throwing at us. We become lonely, paralyzed, and even lose sense of purpose. The bright colorful images represent the meaningless behind the information that we are taking in. They are bright and filled with patterns and props, but they show no true significance.

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